Kodály Teacher Training

The Muse is committed to upskilling classroom teachers and music specialists, with our annual summer school, online courses and mentorship programme.

Email us to register your interest

"A well-trained ear. A well-trained intelligence. A well-trained heart.
A well-trained hand."


This course is deeply transformational.  Your music making, group facilitation or teaching will never be the same!
More about the Kodály approach       Testimonials from past participants

The Kodály approach to music education is based on the understanding that access to music making is a basic human right, that music education should be fun, inclusive and musical, and should be taught in a logical, experiential sequence. The training is a chance to gain skills in this incredibly effective approach to music education, while picking up lots of fun games, songs, dances and activities to share with children and adults, and while developing your own musicianship skills. The training is also incredibly useful for community musicians and choir leaders.

The training covers:

  • Musicianship: the study of sight-singing, score reading, aural perception, musical dictation and analysis using the tools of the Kodály approach (tonic sol-fa, rhythm syllables and Curwen hand signs).
  • Methodology: the application of Kodály’s principles to the development of classroom and studio teaching programs that are suitable for Australasian children. It includes the study of: Curriculum development, Teaching techniques, Sequencing learning, Lesson planning and assessment.
  • Teaching techniques is the practical application of teaching strategies covered in Methodology.
  • Cultural materials involves learning, collecting and analysing the folk music of New Zealand and other nations to determine its suitability for pedagogical processes outlined in methodology and its ability to support a developmental music program.
  • Choral and Ensemble Techniques is the study of choral conducting, rehearsal strategies and voice production.